Thank you so much to all who were able to donate to our recovery fund to help us get back to serving the community. As we wait to replace our flooring that was damaged in the June flooding, we have some exciting news about upcoming events and opportunities to engage with us.
Bed Blitz 2021

We're excited to announce that our annual Bed Blitz event will be held on October 9 at YouthBuild. Applications for beds are closed, but there's still plenty of time to sign up to volunteer, donate an in-kind item, or make a monetary donation.
The WBRP Bed Blitz gives local youth a twin-size bed frame, a brand new mattress, sheets, pillows, a blanket or quilt, laundry detergent, books, a hygiene kit, and a teddy bear. This entire kit is given away for free thanks to the generosity of individual donors and corporate sponsors like Sherman’s. At our last bed blitz in 2019, over 120 beds were given away.
Questions? Email
Harvest Fest
Our annual Harvest Fest will be held on Saturday, October 23 from 1 - 4 PM in the community gardens at the corner of Mulberry and Roosevelt. Come by and enjoy live music, art, and food!
Building Updates
We will be closed Saturday, September 25 - Tuesday, October 5 (approximately) to have our flooring replaced. If you have a Tool Library item, we kindly ask that you return it by Thursday, September 23. Veggie Oasis will be canceled September 25.
Amazon Smile
Did you know that your Amazon purchases can help WBRP? If you use Amazon Smile when ordering something through Amazon and select West Bloomington Revitalization Project as the nonprofit you want to support, we can receive 0.5% of your eligible purchases back to our organization!